Monday 24 February 2014

A New Beginning

I promised myself that 2014 is going to be awesome. Hence let's put away all the negativity and lead a beautiful positive life. So to do so, the new blog comes in handy especially when the old blog is full of craps that I wrote when I was immature and mad. If you guys are looking for the old blog, forget it, I've made the blog private to only myself. Well looking back at what I wrote on that blog, I'm predicting disaster in a few years to come especially when I enter working life. Thus the need to make it private is very much important.

Probably it's a little bit too late to put up a new year resolution especially when February is ending pretty much in a few days time but who cares right. It's my resolution, and who said that resolution can only be made during new year. So here goes the list of what I want to achieve in 2014:

1. Be a better Muslim.
2. Lose all the unnecessary weight
3. Be a better student especially when it comes to attendance.
4. Involve myself with more social work.
5. Stop being an awkward penguin and socialize with everyone without prejudice.
6. Improve time and money management.
7.Try not to keep my emotion and problem bottled up.
8. Be more understanding towards other people's need.
9. Ignore negativity.
10. Stop making enemy.

I realized that despite being a happy go lucky girl, I've also been throwing a lot of tantrums. Thus I shall stop all the nuisance and start to be more understanding. And yes, I'm a stubborn lil girl who sometimes think that I'm always right and that is one of the area that I really need to improve on. Be more understanding towards other people idea and what they have to say. So here's to a better me. Let's go!!

signing out with love, 

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