Thursday 2 April 2015

Losing your manners over social media!

 Ok i know people would actually disagree with me on some matters that i'm gonna be writing today. But i just have that itchy feeling to write jugak. So bear with me please, this is just my P.O.V, you are more than welcome to disagree. So here goes. 

I just had the opportunity to watch the video about some girls going cuckoo over an accident with a cab (cycle of new data just start today, so ketinggalan sikit). Not taking side but i don't think shifting all the blames on the girls especially when the case is still under investigation is a right thing to do especially when we are just spectators who didn't witness the accident with our own two eyes. 3 cuts of videos DOES NOT portray the real incident. I have my own reasoning that i deduce from what i read and watch.

1. In one of the video, you can actually see the cab trying to hit the myvi so that the girls would stop. According to the pak cik, the girls were driving recklessly and almost/had hit them earlier, and they were chasing the girls until the petrol station. Ok, regardless of the pak cik story, i don't think the pak cik way of handling the matter showed maturity nor is he acting like the bigger man as someone who is older and wiser should have been. If your car was hit and run, why do you need to act like a road bully chasing them and provoking them further. Take the plat number, lodge a report at the police station. Case solved! But instead, he went on chasing them and provoking them ending up with not only the accident but the mess created by it.

2. I agree the choice of words that the girls uttered were rude and not what a lady should have said. But you can actually see that both sides are provoking each other with mean words. Being a human it's easy to lose your temper especially when you're being provoked. We also sometimes lose our temper over trivial things and simple misunderstanding. It's the way how we handled our emotion at that time shows our maturity. I'm not saying the girls should be forgiven for they are not matured yet. Like hello, who are we to  forgive them pun, it's not like they were being rude to us. The pak cik said that the girls should have not been rude to him and respect him as someone older than them. What we failed to realize is that respect doesn't go one way, it goes both ways, regardless of the age, gender or whatever other reason, both side should have respected each other. We can actually see that both side lacked in that aspect. From the girls point of view, how are we supposed to respect you when you were trying to hit us. From the pak cik point of view, i'm older and these girls should have not act rude towards me. In this situation both parties had acted like road bullies. Thus, strengthening the point i'm trying to say earlier, it's not fair to just blame the girls.

3. The girls showed some proof that the pak cik attacked them. The pak cik claimed that he was attacked first. Whatever it is, we are not at the right position to say which side is right and wrong just by mere here say. And to me, if the pak cik were attacked first, then he attacked them back as self defense is just not comprehendible, how can you compare a man strength with a girl strength. When i was "fighting" with my 14 years old nephew pun, i can't beat him. He should have been the bigger man, yet he loses his temper and hit them. Maybe he should have let his wife beat the girls instead (this is just a joke). But his wife pun, instead of calming her husband, continue provoking them. This is what we called adding fuel to the fire. (Nasib baik tak terbakar petrol station tue. Hehe)

4. About the father, ok i'm not a father nor a parents but i think it's just a parent instinct to protect their kids. Upon hearing his kids were hit and suffered pain, i guess he couldn't control his emotion, thus lead to his action. Yes, he shouldn't have done that, but i guess it's easier said than done. We are not in their shoes. Try and put ourselves in their shoes for a moment, can you guarantee that you would not have done the same thing. If you can objectively say that you won't, i'm sorry but there's not such thing as certainty especially when it deals with emotion. People tends to lose their rationality when emotions are involved. Right? 

So thus, i sincerely believe that, instead of blaming the girls 100%, we need to be fair as both sides were actually wrong. What should have been a simple accident case had turned to a big mess over both side ego and provocation. We as the outsider should not add fuel to the fire.

Alright done on the accident, as it went viral, people were vigorously bashing the girls for their rudeness towards the pak cik, that they themselves forgot to check in themselves. Your choice of words were no different than the girls pun. That's why  i really hate social media nowadays. People are losing their manners over social media. The primary reason for internet was to connect people, but why do i see so much hatred. I really hate scrolling down my facebook news feed especially nowadays you can see who commented on what post and what was their comment. It just changes my good impression of them. I'm very surprise with how some people throw their words on social media like nobody business, don't they realise once it's up there it's never coming down. Imagine having your kids on facebook and you went on bashing others that you dont even know with mean words. Once your kids see it, they would be like, ouh my dad said it, so it's okay for me to say it too. Then you go on saying other people are not setting a good example when you yourself are doing just the same thing. Who are we kidding, being hypocrite and just choosing whatever we like according to our preferential. It's very sad to see how the world and technologies are advancing yet our mentality is taking steps backward. Losing manners over social media, what next? Humanity? What else that needs to be sacrificed before we realise that bashing others (cyber bullying) have no benefits and just tearing us apart. 

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