Monday 14 April 2014

daddy's comment

so i posted a picture of me and my brother when we were little, guess what my dad commented on that picture. 

homaigod! i was speechless when i read his comment. terkejut mak nak, my own father is actually telling me to find a boyfriend. i guess he was just worried that i'm at the age where he got married and i'm still not seeing anyone or he's tired of taking care of me. haha. 

dear dad, it's not like you can force this things to happen. i mean come on, if that's possible i would be doing that already. ok now i sound desperate. who doesn't want to get married especially when most of your friends are pregnant, married, getting married, engaged or getting engaged while i'm still stuck in uni and most of my classmate are either younger than me or already married. when on earth am i supposed to find that someone? homai, now i'm whining. damn it. 

finding mr right is very hard nowadays especially because i have trust issues with man. most man i met are either jerks or too nice or gay. haha. so where should i meet this mr right. i guess he'll come when the time is right. so i'll just wait. clichenya lahai. but it's true kot. i just wanna be done with my degree and be a lawyer first and if he came in between i guess it's a bonus. so let's set my priority  out first and then find the one. 

signing out with love,


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