Saturday 17 May 2014

falling for the bestfriend

ok before continue reading this post, sila jgn ada apa2 thought of me falling for anyone at the moment or i'm in a relationship. ok? this is just a post which i got inspired by one of my friend status on facebook. so here goes:

falling for the bestfriend (this only refer to different gender bestie relationship). hurm, ada org ckp lelaki dgn perempuan x blh jd bestfriend sbb someone will definitely ruin the relationship by falling for  the other one. to me falling for the bestfriend is normal, more like a phase in the friendship. cuma bezanya how we deal with that feeling which will decide what the outcome will be. there's few outcome that i've experience la. yes i'm talking from experience, karang org ckp, "ala you wont understand, you've never been there". haha, aku rasa aku manusia yg plg selalu kne friendzone kot. tue yg jd loner skrg kot. hahahaha. so here's some of the situation i've been through ( silalah baca embarassing cerita aku) (remind me again why i'm embarassing myself).

1. so you fall for your bestfriend tp kau tak berani nk bgtau dia psl kau x nk ruin the relationship. kau pun telan perasaan kau sorg2, 2 years later bila korg dh in two different places far from each other, penyudahnya kau come clean psl feeling kau dulu (dulu: means kau dh x de feeling lg yer). tadaaaa: rupa2nya dia pun pernah ada feeling dkt kau, guess what you guys had just missed the 'moment'. sudahnya korg pun sama2 gelak psl dua2 bodoh tak mau confess dulu. since dua2 dh x de feeling for each other, korg pn still end up jd bestie. no hard feeling and hidden feeling since korg dh come clean. al makanya friendship korg makin best. 

2. so you fall for the bestie again tapi kali nie bestie kau tgh in a relationship dgn another friend of yours. since kau x nk ruin the relationship and hilang friendship, kau pun diam2 telan perasaan kau tgk diorg bersweet2. chill, lama2 bila kau tgk diorg kau akn slowly concede feeling kau psl kau akn rasa happy with their relationship mcm pepatah if you love somebody, you'll be happy to see them happy. 

3. ok kali nie kau fall pada bestie yg bru lps broke up, tgh fragile. kau nie pun beria la jd pendengar paling setia dgn harapan yg he could see i'm right here. sgt drama2 tv wei, cuma dlm drama selalu happy ending la. in this case blh gak jd happy ending psl maybe you are the one he's been looking for. tp jgn la berharap sgt psl hidup nie it's not always about happy ending. tp entah2 hujung2 kau end up jd rebounce dia or dia end up cri perempuan lain or end up dia balik dgn ex dia. sudah dia kau makan hati blk. 

4. kau fall for bestie kau psl pe? psl dia gentleman habis even with his friends. sygnya kau mistook that and kau pun fall for him. tp kau tak berani nk confess, you see him get in to a relationship, got out of relationship, listen to his stories masa in relationship, bila dia break up. tp kau telan jer feeling kau psl kau sgt friendship korg, yg kau mcm agk sure kalo ko confess msti korg akn stop talking. al makanya telan la perasaan tue smpi mati wei.

5. kau confess, things get awkward. you guys stop talking to each other. x pe wei in future, korg akn sit down time reunion or gathering, confirm korg akn gelak kn that moment. 

so, to confess or not? sebenarnya ikt kau, kalo ko berani nk take the risk, go ahead. there's always two outcome, the happy one and the other one. it's not wrong to chase your own happiness tp be prepared la with the worse outcome ever psl x semua yg kau plan and kau nak akn dpt kn. at the end of the day, it will either make the friendship stronger or you'll end up with more life experiences. so chill, take a deep breath and decide what you wanna do with your feeling.

p/s: aku pun sebenarnya msih hidup dlm fantasi bestfriend to lover jugak. byk sgt tgk drama aku nie. hahaha.

singning out with love,


1 comment:

  1. 'kau fall for bestie kau psl pe? psl dia gentleman habis even with his friends. sygnya kau mistook that and kau pun fall for him. '

    kaaaan. I selalu perasan yang si dia sukakan i, padahal memang dia tu jenis yang sweet sangat layan kawan2 perempuan. But well, I think akan awkward and pelik lah klu tetiba kitorg jadi lover. We know too much about each other lah. hehe.
