Wednesday 28 May 2014

being friendzoned?

you know when it's about exam period, i'll always end up thinking about weird weird stuff. for this exam period plak, i ended up thinking bout how i always end up in the friendzone situation.

i've always been the plain girl. daripada sekolah lagi aku selalu jadi the 'hot' girl sidekick. haha. nak buat mcm mana kawan2 aku semua lawa -lawa wei. lagi-lagi aku nie gemuk. memang cerita dia orang tak pandang la aku kan. mungkin sebab tue la aku selalu kena friendzone coz people would be more interested to get to know my friends than me. kadang-kadang aku yang jadi messenger diorg. peh, kalau time tue aku tgh syok kt si A nie pastu kena jadi messenger dia, pedih wei. tapi kan aku kawan yang taat, redha jer la tgk org yang aku suka usha kawan aku kn. hahaha.

dan oleh kerana aku nak clear kn otak aku pasal benda-benda mcm nie, aku pun tanya la a few of my bestfriend (lelaki) psl kenapa aku selalu kena friendzone. aku tanya lelaki psl yelah, we are dealing with guys opinion on me kn. dan sebenarnya kalau kau tanya kawan perempuan kau, they'll tend to be more bias towards you. so mmg kau takkan dapat la jawapan yang kau nak.

this are the responses that i got 3 different guy.

1. he went on and on about how i haven't find the right one. about the love you deserve, basically all the self-discovery journey thingy la. which obvious doesn't really answer my question but what he said was actually true. i don't need to put myself don't for something i don't think deserving. so until then i should just enjoy my life and get to know myself, love myself better before actually trying to love someone else.

2. he said i'm just not his type. cis. macamlah i'm talking bout being friendzoned by him. but what i liked from his answer is that the most easily swayed of the human part is our hearts. sbb tue tuhan surah jaga hati kita baik2, we might be friend today but tomorrow we might fall in love, siapa tahu. wow, terkedu kejap with his answer. i guess he's right. because love is actually a mysterious thing. lagi pun jodoh pertemuan tue semua rahsia Allah. cuma masa jer yang belum pasti kan.

3. yang nie jawapan x habis lagi, pasal x sempat nak abeskn conversation. dia cakap aku nie baik sgt, sampai org selalu take advantage and take me for granted. haha, baik memanglah baik tapi as everyone know aku nie jenis yang pendam mcm volcano, u tick the wrong button, and i'll explode. so beware la ya. hehehe

it's interesting to actually take some time and talk to the opposite side. sebab the way they perceived something is different from how we view it. haha, damn you exam stress, pelik2 jer benda yang aku end up serabut bila exam nie. bukannya stress psl study. aduyai...

signing out with love,


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